Minimalism or Maximalism: Which Style is Right for Your Home?

Minimalism or Maximalism: Which Style is Right for Your Home?

  • Mike Knoll
  • 02/2/22


Clean, bright, sleek, simple. These words describe the minimalist style. But what precisely is it?  Minimalism is one of the most influential design styles in recent memory. As the name suggests, the style rejects overabundance and lavish stylings. But that doesn’t mean minimalism is the absence of design. Instead, minimalist style utilizes open space and lighting, incorporating objects based on their function and necessity. In architecture, art, and design, minimalism is defined as “a style or technique characterized by extreme simplicity.”

Minimalism in the Home

Inside the home, space, light, and objects are given equal weight. Minimalist home design is not merely getting rid of extra furniture and reducing clutter. Cutting down too much, or not effectively utilizing the lighting and space, can make a room or home feel bleak and inhospitable. Try to keep the foundation simple, looking for rich tones and simple warmth, building upon that to inspire. Remember to personalize your space by focusing on the things you know, love, and need.


In contrast to the “less is more” ideal of minimalism, maximalism thrives on a “more is more” ethos. Contrary to popular belief, maximalism isn’t hoarding or shoving as many things into a space as will fit. Instead, it is a style based on abundance. Like a wall bursting with photographs or a bed loaded with beautiful, comfortable pillows. Maximalism focuses on repetition, patterns, and bold stylings.

Maximalism in the Home

Maximalism in the home means surrounding yourself with things you love. Start with colors. Saturated, vibrant tones build a good base for this comfort-based style. Think of the things you cherish the most: pillows, pictures, books, or whatever speaks to you. Fill your space with these things, then add more. Rely on patterns, and keep similar things together to avoid having things look random or messy. Overstuff your bookshelves with books and your couches with pillows. A maximalist home should have a full and cohesive feel, and not one of an unruly jumble of disparate items. Remember, it’s your home, so make sure what you put in it fits your style and tastes.

Generally speaking most buyers tend to prefer the minimalist style when viewing their prospective property. Less decor allows them to better visualize themselves in the space. Preparing your Chesterfield home for sale may seem like a daunting task. With a bit of planning and the right Saint Louis realtor, these adjustments will be a breeze. Allow Mike Knoll to share his expertise on small changes that can have a big impact. The numbers don’t lie, staged homes sell 70% faster than unstaged homes. With a combination of attention to detail and smart updates, you can turn your home into a model home.

Want more home decor recommendations? Check out our blog. If you are thinking of moving to the Saint Louis area, contact us today! It would be our pleasure to serve as your Saint Louis real estate agent and help you find a Kirkwood home that’s right for you. Also, do yourself a favor and click here to follow Mike on TikTok for more content!




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Actively selling Real Estate since 2001. Licensed in Missouri and California. Experienced renovator. Old home enthusiast. A multi-Family property owner with great landlord systems to make owning rental properties simple. My goal is always to make your home buying or selling experience simple and easy.